Sunday, November 16, 2008

Animal Imagery

Animal Imagery
1. "...the way a bear drags his paws.."
-they way they walk.
2. "...snorting into the water like a horse"
-shows how thursty he is, it shows how civilized.
3. "... dabbled his big paws..."
-it lets us know he has big paws.
4. "it's only a mouse"
-it's useless, it won't change anything.
5. "...just wanted to pet it like it was a mouse"
-it shows innocense, no harm.
6. "...somebody'll shoot you for a coyote"
-it tells us he is very strong, has a big body and he is animal like.
7. " strong as a bull"
-it tells us he is big and strong
8. "terrier who doesn't want to bring the ball to their master"
-it tells us he is stuborn, unsure and child like
9. "rabbits hurrying for cover"
-it tells us they were running fast and for their lives.

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